Saturday, August 31, 2019

Religious Freedom in the Philippines Essay

I. Introduction Based on Dr. Jose Rizal’s symbolisms on the cover page of Noli Me Tangere, religion is a big influence with the perspective of the people. However, in the future, there will still be the influence of religion, but people are then educated. People stop continuing the old practices because they start to question the logic in doing these practices. This is only proof that even though the Filipino mind is deeply influenced by Christianity, being open to improving and revealing of oneself is not that far away. We can never change history or force someone to change their beliefs, but let the youth be the ones to discover it themselves. The Filipino youth must be allowed to choose their religion. If not, they end up being confused, losing the essence of religion during marriage, and continuously discriminated due to offensive stereotyping. Inclining their personality with the appropriate beliefs will result to a better perspective for living and to discovering their self-identity. In fant Baptism states that it wipes away original sin; this is a sacrament being practiced almost fully in the Philippines. Their parents are already binding them to be devoted to a belief that may or may not be suitable for their child. This is the simplest act of violation to the freedom of religion. What will happen to those children who refuse to believe in the practices that their parents taught them? These children end up being outcast to their society, causing depression that sometimes leads to suicide. Majority of the Filipino population are Christian Catholics. At present, the essence of Christianity has been continuously forgotten by these Catholics themselves. For Christians, the Ten Commandments take on a whole new perspective. But it seems that the Ten Commandments are not followed, showing signs of unfaithfulness or betrayal to their owl religion. Then what is the logical explanation for being baptised as Christians if they are not devoted or loyal to Christianity? Based on their actions, they are clearly violating the Ten Commandments. The First Commandment states that â€Å"I am the Lord your God. You shall not have other gods beside me† (Ex 20:2-3; Dt 5:6-7), but to be loyal to their God is to follow His commandments. Unfortunately, there are violating the f irst commandment without them knowing it. At the same time, the Filipino population has a young population, meaning majority of the community are minors. And in lieu with the majority of Christians in the Philippines, majority of these minors are Christians. Since Filipino Christians are mostly unfamiliar to their religion, they do not practice their religion fully despite that they are born Christians. They are growing to be more confused about their religion, and end up losing the essence of it as they grow older. Marriage is a part of adulthood, and marriage is a holy sacrament practiced by Christians to bond their relationship with the opposite sex, declaring them husband and wife, in the name of God. But do the Christians being wedded nowadays even recognise the essence of being married? Most of them get married to have the right to experience sexual intercourse legally, property rights of the mate, and in the name of love. Not knowing they are already forgetting the essence of getting married in the name of God. The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the Government generally respected this right in practice. Although Christianity was the predominant religion, there is no state religion, and under the Constitution church and State are separate. Muslims were the largest minority religious group in the country. There was widespread debate over the exact size of the Muslim population, as some officials and observers claimed that security concerns in western Mindanao prevented census takers from conducting accurate counts outside urban areas. Estimates ranged from 3.9 million to 7 million, or 5 to 9 % of the population. Muslims resided principally in Mindanao and nearby islands, but there were Muslim communities throughout the country. Historically, Muslims have been discriminated from the Christian majority. The national culture, with its emphasis on familial, tribal, and regional loyalties, forms informal barriers whereby access to jobs or resources is provided first to those of one’s own family or group network. Muslims reported difficulty renting rooms in boarding houses or being hired for work if they used their real name or wore distinctive Muslim dress. As a result, some Muslims used a Christian pseudonym and did not wear distinctive dress when applying for housing or jobs. The Government’s crackdown on the terrorist ASG has led some human rights NGOs to accuse the police and military of unfairly targeting Muslims for arrest and detention. However, most observers believed that discrimination against Muslims was grounded on cultural differences, not religious beliefs or practices. There also were reports of Muslim discrimination against Christians in areas where Muslims were the majority. In conclusion, freedom of religion must be strictly implemented in the Philippines. And the first step to continue practicing the freedom of religion is to let the youth have the freedom to choose their religion. As a result, Filipinos possibly will be more productive and will have a better point of view in life. This may be a solution to the major crisis of the Philippines with the economy. Workers, namely Filipinos, play a big part in the economy. So having better and devoted workers will help produce a greater economy for Philippines, and resulting to rise of the Filipinos from poverty. II. Significance of the Study Religion is a system of belief that a group of people practice. It involves devotion and ritual observances. And often contains a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Religion is something that virtually all humans have in common. In all corners of the world and in all eras of history, people have wondered about the meaning of life, how to make the best of it, what happens afterwards, and if there is anyone or anything â€Å"out there.† Nowadays, religious devotion is being practiced by Filipinos. Sudden devotion to the Black Nazarene is being observed. But still, there are devotees to other religious groups who stay loyal. The freedom of religion is going to benefit majority of Filipinos because of the importance of religion to the Filipinos. The freedom of religion is giving Filipinos the right to practice their religion and still belong to the community without being discriminated; this will unite the Filipino community. Freedom of religion can improve quality of education and man power. Children who are free to choose their belief will have a better perspective in life, and this will help increase man power. Man power is a basic element to greater economy which will be beneficial to the community. It is better to have a better set of generations to educate and nurture for the betterment of our country. Those who will be working or earning money can have a better life. Fewer crimes will be committed due to devotion to what you really want to believe. Democracy will be more effective, because even though there is a law including freedom of religion, namely Article III, section 5, stating free exercise of religious worship shall be allowed, we are not fully practicing freedom. III. Body A. Religion a. Religions in the World 1. Major Religions Religion is a belief where in people sometimes uses it as a way of life or a perspective. There are many, long established, major world religions, each with over three million followers. These religions that are considered as major religions include Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, Baha’i Faith, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto’s, Sikhism, and Paganism; All from different countries of the world. If we had been born in a specific place, we are most likely to adapt the most common religion in the place. Given that you were born in Saudi Arabia, you would almost certainly hold Muslim beliefs. In much of Europe, there is Christianity. And in the Philippines, you are most likely to be Catholic; except if you were born in ARMM, you are to be a Muslim. 2. Neopagans This religion is a modern-day reconstruction of ancient Pagan religions from various countries and eras. Majority of the followers of the Neopagans refer to themselves as Pagans. But the term Neopagans is used because the followers and the religion itself is less ambiguous compare to the Pagans. Neopagans include Asatru or Norse Paganism, Druidism, Wicca, and Witchcraft. But some followers of Asatru regard themselves as Heathens rather than Neopagans. 3. Atheist An Atheist is seldom referred to as agnostic or infidel. Atheists are people who do not believe in the existence of a supreme being. They deny to be committed to the belief of creation of the universe by a particular deity. They spread free thoughts, sceptical inquiry, and subsequent increase in criticism of religion. One of the most famous groups of Atheists is the Scientology. b. History of Religions in the Philippines 1. Early Period In this period of time, the Philippines were invaded by the Spaniards. The Spaniards were the ones who introduced Catholicism to the Filipinos. Specifically, Ferdinand Magellan was the one who introduced it to Lapu-lapu. The Spaniards were off on a search for Marianas Island, it is said to be rich in different spices. They got off the chart and accidentally went to the Philippines. Their goal was the three G’s; God, gold, and glory; God, to introduce Catholicism, gold, to be able to get a lot of resources, and glory, to invade the islands. They were successful with this because until now, most of the Filipinos practice the religion they introduced to us, Catholicism. 2. Revolutionary Era In 1898, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States. By February 1902, the United States defeated the forces of Spain. They established an independent state for the country. The Philippine Organic Act of 1902 was declared stating that no law shall be made to prohibit free will, and that free exercise must forever be allowed. 3. Late American Period The Americans established a religious freedom by declaring the separation of church and state based on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Filipinos still show signs of anti-friars; therefore, the Americans replaced the Spanish friars for Filipino one’s to take over. The Marcos regime continues to rein the country and imposed Martial Law, which some of the bishops opposed, trying to win back the hearts and loyalty of the country. 4. Post-Independence Corazon Aquino took over Marcos’ presidency and brought back the unity of the government with the Catholic Church. This made way for church officials to make an impression on the 1986 Constitutional Commission. B. Freedom of Religion in the Philippines a. Constitutional Laws 1. Benevolent Neutrality The Supreme Court of the Philippines, established the doctrine of benevolent neutrality-accommodation. The 2006 ruling, imposed by former Chief Justice Puno, explained benevolent-neutrality in the context of U.S. jurisprudence. It states that religious practices is a unanimous right and does not privilege the society to discriminate anyone who accommodates their religion under some circumstances. 2. Article II, Section 3 The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable. With the guarantee of religious freedom in the Philippines, the Roman Catholic Church clergy subsequently remained in the political background as a source of moral influence for many voters during elections until today. Political candidates generally court the clergy for support, although this does not guarantee victory for a candidate. The Philippines was placed under martial law by Dictator Ferdinand Marcos and relations changed dramatically, as some bishops opposed the martial law. 3. Article III, Section 5 No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights The former Philippine Organic Act of 1902. This law is now imposed in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. But the right to act in accordance with one’s belief cannot be absolute. Conduct remains subject to regulation and even prohibition for the protection of society. It may not be used to justify an action or refusal inconsistent with general welfare of society (People vs. Diel, [CA] 44 O.G. 590, August 22, 1947). One of the regulations imposed in its exercise is the compliance of government employees to Section 5 of the Omnibus Rules relative to the number of working hours. While government employees of Muslim faith are excused from work between the hours of 10 o’clock in the morning up to 2 o’clock in the afternoon every Friday, they are obligated to compensate said lost working hours by adopting flexible time schedule to complete forty hours of work in a week. 4. Republic Act No. 3350 This was intended to serve the purpose of advancing the constitutional right to the free exercise of religion, by averting that some people be dismissed from work, or be dispossessed of their right to work and of being impeded to pursue a modest means of livelihood, by reason of union security agreements. b. Religious Conflicts 1. Religious Freedom in the Government Offices Act Kabataan Rep. Raymond Palatino has withdrawn House Bill 6330 otherwise known as the Religious Freedom in Government Offices Act, which seeks to ban religious images and ceremonies in government offices. The fact that one legislator actually had the guts to file a bill like this in a country where the Roman Catholic Church holds considerable influence in politics is already an achievement in itself. As Palatino said in a statement,†We are encouraged by the fact that despite the misunderstandings, the bill initiated relevant discussions on freedom of religion as one of the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.† 2. Muslim Discrimination Muslims were the largest minority religious group in the country. Muslims resided principally in Mindanao and nearby islands, but there were Muslim communities throughout the country. Historically, Muslims have been alienated from the predominant Christian majority. The national culture, with its emphasis on familial, tribal, and regional loyalties, creates informal barriers whereby access to jobs or resources is provided first to those of one’s own family or group network. Muslims reported difficulty renting rooms in boarding houses or being hired for retail work if they used their real name or wore distinctive Muslim dress. As a result, some Muslims used a Christian pseudonym and did not wear distinctive dress when applying for housing or jobs 3. Separation of Church and State The First Amendment is about the right to free exercise of religion. It’s interaction with non-discrimination law based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The right of a non-church-related employer to discriminate against gay employees based on religious belief is against a law prohibiting job discrimination. The enactment of employment protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity, opponents of such laws have often raised concerns about the infringement of the religious freedom of business owners. C. Current Religious State Is religious freedom being practiced fully in the Philippines? Based on other researches, even though there are many laws regarding the separation of church and state, the Catholic Church still has a lot of influence in the system of the government. And in the minds of the Filipino community, they are not practicing this given democracy and the simple act of baptism to a child is a form of violation. Baptism is a form of surrendering yourself to a Supreme Being and you are already making a sin to that Supreme Being whenever he has doubts or decide to choose their own religion. This is giving pressure to the youth and sometimes lead to social discrimination and suicide. IV. Conclusion The Filipino youth is the foundation of the future of the Philippine community. That’s why we must nurture the youth and continue to educate them and guide them towards a life with more purpose. In our country, religion is one of the major factors that affect the society’s perspective. That is why as early as now; the youth must be guided properly and taught according to their choice of religion. Religion is a way of life, a system of belief wherein they give knowledge of people’s lives importance. And it will be an advantage for everyone in the way they behave. This will lead to a better community, the one that can provide a safe environment for Filipinos and foreigners. And freedom of religion can help produce educated people, and this results to greater man power and greater economy. V. Bibliography Agoncillo, Teodoro; Guerrero, Milagros (1970). History of the Filipino People. Malaya Books. Bacani, Teodoro (1987). The Church and Politics. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines: Clarentian Publications. Schumacher, John (1976). Church and State in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Loyola School of Theology, Quezon City. de la Costa, Horacio; John Schumacher (1976). Church and State: The Philippine Experience. Quezon City, Philippines: Loyola School of Theology.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Anarchy State and Utopia Essay

Distributive Justice Robert Nozick From Anarchy, State, and Utopia, 149-182, with omissions. Copyright @ 1974 by Basic Books, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Basic Books, a subsidiary of Perseus Books Group, LLC. The minimal state is the most extensive state that can be justified. Any state more extensive violates people’s rights. Yet many persons have put forth reasons purporting to justify a more extensive state. It is impossible within the compass of this book to examine all the reasons that have been put forth. Therefore, I shall focus upon those generally acknowledged to be most weighty and influential, to see precisely wherein they fail. In this chapter we consider the claim that a more extensive state is justified, because necessary (or the best instrument) to achieve distributive justice; in the next chapter we shall take up diverse other claims. The term â€Å"distributive justice† is not a neutral one. Hearing the term â€Å"distribution,† most people presume that some thing or mechanism uses some principle or criterion to give out a supply of things. Into this process of distributing shares some error may have crept. So it is an open question, at least, whether redistribution should take place; whether we should do again what has already been done once, though poorly. However, we are not in the position of children who have been given portions of pie by someone who now makes last minute adjustments to rectify careless cutting. There is no central distribution, no person or group entitled to control all the resources, jointly deciding how they are to be doled out. What each person gets, he gets from others who give to him in exchange for something, or as a gift. In a free society, diverse persons control different resources, and new holdings arise out of the voluntary exchanges and actions of persons. There is no more a distributing or distribution of shares than there is a distributing of mates in a society in which persons choose whom they shall marry. The total result is the product of many individual decisions which the different individuals involved are entitled to make. Some uses of the term â€Å"distribution,† it is true, do not imply a previous distributing appropriately judged by some criterion (for example, â€Å"probability distribution†); nevertheless, despite the title of this chapter, it would be best to use a terminology that clearly is neutral. We shall speak of people’s holdings; a principle of justice in holdings describes (part of) what justice tells us (requires) about holdings. I shall state first what I take to be the correct view about justice in holdings, and then turn to the discussion of alternate views. Section 1 The Entitlement Theory The subject of justice in holdings consists of three major topics. The first is the original acquisition of holdings, the appropriation of unheld things. This includes the issues of how unheld things may come to be held, the process, or processes, by which unheld things may come to be held, the things that may come to be held by these processes, the extent of what comes to be held by a particular process, and so on. We shall refer to the complicated truth about this topic, which we shall not formulate here, as the principle of justice in acquisition. The second topic concerns the transfer of holdings from one person to another. By what processes may a person transfer holdings to another? How may a person acquire a holding from another who holds it? Under this topic come general descriptions of voluntary exchange, and gift and (on the other hand) fraud, as well as reference to particular conventional details fixed upon in a given society. The complicated truth about this subject (with placeholders for conventional details) we shall call the principle of justice in transfer. And we shall suppose it also includes principles governing how a person may divest himself of a holding, passing it into an unheld state. ) If the world were wholly just, the following inductive definition would exhaustively cover the subject of justice in holdings. 1. A person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in acquisition is entitled to that holding. 2. A person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in transfer, from someone else entitled to the holding, is entitled to the holding. . No one is entitled to a holding except by (repeated) applications of 1 and 2. The complete principle of distributive justice would say simply that a distribution is just if everyone is entitled to the holdings they possess under the distribution. A distribution is just if it arises from another just distribution by legitimate means. The legitimate means of moving from one distribution to another are specified by the principle of justice in transfer. The legitimate first â€Å"moves† are specified by the principle of justice in acquisition. Whatever arises from a just situation by just steps is itself just. The means of change specified by the principle of justice in transfer preserve justice. As correct rules of inference are truth-preserving, and any conclusion deduced via repeated application of such rules from only true premisses is itself true, so the means of transition from one situation to another specified by the principle of justice in transfer are justice-preserving, and any situation actually arising from repeated transitions in accordance with the principle from a just situation is itself just. The parallel between justice-preserving transformations and truth-preserving transformations illuminates where it fails as well as where it holds. That a conclusion could have been deduced by truth-preserving means from premisses that are true suffices to show its truth. That from a just situation a situation could have arisen via justice-preserving means does not suffice to show its justice. The fact that a thief’s victims voluntarily could have presented him with gifts does not entitle the thief to his ill-gotten gains. Justice in holdings is historical; it depends upon what actually has happened. We shall return to this point later. Not all actual situations are generated in accordance with the two principles of justice in holdings: the principle of justice in acquisition and the principle of justice in transfer. Some people steal from others, or defraud them, or enslave them, seizing their product and preventing them from living as they choose, or forcibly exclude others from competing in exchanges. None of these are permissible modes of transition from one situation to another. And some persons acquire holdings by means not sanctioned by the principle of justice in acquisition. The existence of past injustice (previous violations of the first two principles of justice in holdings) raises the third major topic under justice in holdings: the rectification of injustice in holdings. If past injustice has shaped present holdings in various ways, some identifiable and some not, what now, if anything, ought to be done to rectify these injustices? What obligations do the performers of injustice have toward those whose position is worse than it would have been had the injustice not been done? Or, than it would have been had compensation been paid promptly? How, if at all, do things change if the beneficiaries and those made worse off are not the direct parties in the act of injustice, but, for example, their descendants? Is an injustice done to someone whose holding was itself based upon an unrectified injustice? How far back must one go in wiping clean the historical slate of injustices? What may victims of injustice permissibly do in order to rectify the injustices being done to them, including the many injustices done by persons acting through their government? I do not know of a thorough or theoretically sophisticated treatment of such issues. Idealizing greatly, let us suppose theoretical investigation will produce a principle of rectification. This principle uses historical information about previous situations and injustices done in them (as defined by the first two principles of justice and rights against interference), and information about the actual course of events that flowed from these injustices, until the present, and it yields a description (or descriptions) of holdings in the society. The principle of rectification presumably will make use of its best estimate of subjunctive information about what would have occurred (or a probability distribution over what might have occurred, using the expected value) if the injustice had not taken place. If the actual description of holdings turns out not to be one of the descriptions yielded by the principle, then one of the descriptions yielded must be realized. The general outlines of the theory of justice in holdings are that the holdings of a person are just if he is entitled to them by the principles of justice in acquisition and transfer, or by the principle of rectification of injustice (as specified by the first two principles). If each person’s holdings are just, then the total set (distribution) of holdings is just. To turn these general outlines into a specific theory we would have to specify the details of each of the three principles of justice in holdings: the principle of acquisition of holdings, the principle of transfer of holdings, and the principle of rectification of violations of the first two principles. I shall not attempt that task here (Locke’s principle of justice in acquisition is discussed below. )†¦ . How Liberty Upsets Patterns It is not clear how those holding alternative conceptions of distributive justice can reject the entitlement conception of justice in holdings. For suppose a distribution favored by one of these non-entitlement conceptions is realized.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Lord of the Flies †Break Down of Society Essay

Civilization is the key to keeping society in order. If many individuals lose this civilized state, the society they are in begins to break down. Ralph, Simon, and Jack are the major problems with the breakdown of their society. Anything done in a community, whether it is multiple actions or nothing at all, can change it for better or for worse. Firstly, Simon is inactive in the social order of the boys and isolates himself from them. Secondly, Ralph has attained leadership over everyone which sets Jack’s leadership off. Ralph tries to bring order to the island which in turn causes a breakdown and defect of a group of boys. Lastly, Jack is the main point that caused their society to breakdown. One of the bigger – but not the biggest – problems in a social order breakdown is people who do not take part in the control. Simon does not part take in the actions and feud between Ralph and Jack in order to feel that he is not part of it. During the day, arguments usually happen. This is when Simon isolates himself in what he calls his â€Å"mat of creepers† (160). He roams around at night causing paranoia among the boys as he appears to be the beast. This activeness at night is to achieve a feeling that he is not changing the society that is trying to be made. When Simon does try to bring forth information and help them, he was killed by the savage boys – â€Å"he was murdered† (172) as said by Ralph. This is the first human-related death on Jack’s behalf, the one death that is leading the boys on the island into savagery and a major loss of their civilized state of mind. However, even someone’s leadership can cause people to break from a group and bring downfall to the whole group. Ralph’s leadership style is one that one boy on the island did not agree with. This caused him to defect from the group and form his own society. Ralph leads with a democratic manner – with safety and rescue – whereas Jack leads with a dictatorship style – with hunting and having everything go his way. When Jack goes, all the boys follow, and this leaves Ralph with nothing forcing him to leave his civilized manner and do what he can to survive. The society is broken when the â€Å"savages† (as they are called â€Å"when Ralph stared into the savages eyes† on page 220) start to hunt for a human-being instead of a pig. With people who bring the evil ways of living into a civilized group of people, they turn and lose that civilized manner. Jack represents the evil side of mankind. Jack leads with the way of survival, not rescue. He has lots of power because he instills fear within the boys which allows him to control them. Jack and his hunters do not want to feel guilt for this way of leading or even for the killing. The boys do this by â€Å"painting their faces so they wouldn’t see† (59). This is referring to them not wanting their conscience to see that they are slowing bringing their society to a breaking point. When Jack kills the first pig, he feels a sense of pride and accomplishment. This causes him to lose part of his civilized state to further progress this killing. He then kills a sow with piglets and then a human being – Simon. This killing spree has caused Jack to completed lose his civilized state and is able to hunt Ralph – another human being – without putting any face paint on at all. He then has the ability to kill without feeling guilt or remorse. Societies that face dystopia in their worst time will start to become dismembered and break apart. Anyone can break from society and cause it to come crashing down. Simon managed to by imputing nothing and furthering Jack’s feeling of completion, Ralph did by being a good leader and pushing Jack away to his own society and Jack did by losing his civilized manner to become a savage. Whether the breakdown is caused by someone being really good, really bad, or even in between, anything and anyone can destroy a society with a simple little action.

Employee Motivation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Employee Motivation - Coursework Example The secret to Motivating Employees,† university management professor Adam Grant proposes an easy strategy to motivating employees for a healthy organizational framework: a brief contact with the beneficiary. With case studies as backbones, Grant proves to a certain extent how such kind of approach boosts employee productivity to a notch higher than usual. In one study in a call center, an agent was made to interact with a recipient of a school fundraising program (â€Å"Open Secret,† 2010). The agent was able to generate twice as much as sales. In another study at a community recreation center, the certain group of lifeguards who were liberated of their abilities to save lives has worked up to several more hours than the group who only learned about the personal rewards of the job (â€Å"Open Secret,† 2010). In these experiments, Grant proposes the need for a social-emotional link between the end-users and the workers which could actually titillate employee motiva tion at its peak. With a consistently motivated employee, it is a no-brainer that a business can run its course into the industry for a long time. Furthermore, he also proposes a customer-driven approach not merely for the benefit of the customers but also to mold the interpersonal relations of the employee which any individual needs.   Grant’s proposition is a psychological assertion in the same way the larger context of ‘motivation’ itself stands on a psychological platform. Psychologist Frederick Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory has been putting important stress on the effect of employee motivation on the overall performance of an organization. In this model, the motivators refer to achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, growth, and advancement (â€Å"Herzberg’s,† n.d.). By adding awareness about who benefits from their jobs, employees will learn the gravity of their social responsibility, the extent of their achievement, and to feel the nature of their work.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Attendant Propelled Wheelchairs and the Forces on the Attendant whilst Essay

Attendant Propelled Wheelchairs and the Forces on the Attendant whilst Manoeuvring - Essay Example Temporarily used at home and commonly found in commercial medical facilities like hospitals and nursing homes, standard wheelchairs weighs approximately more than 18kg with limited Ð °djustÐ °bility in its components. Similar to the standard wheelchair, lightweight whÐ µÃ µlchÐ °irs are made with folding frames. Likewise, lightweight wheelchairs have many Ð °djuÃ'•tÐ °blÐ µ components and are Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °blÐ µ with many fÐ µÃ °turÐ µs. Since lightweight wheelchairs are mÐ °nufÐ °cturÐ µd using aluminum, its gross weight would range between 13 to 18kg. Therefore, the lightweight wheelchair is lighter than standard whÐ µÃ µlchÐ °irs.Ultra lightweight whÐ µÃ µlchÐ °irs have the best pÐ µrformÐ °ncÐ µ chÐ °rÐ °ctÐ µriÃ'•ticÃ'• of the thrÐ µÃ µ weight cÐ °tÐ µgoriÐ µs. Typically less than 13kg, ultra lightweight wheelchairs are the lightest-weight whÐ µÃ µlchÐ °irs bÐ µcÐ °usÐ µ it is mÐ °nufÐ °cturÐ µd using aluminum, high-pÐ µrformÐ °n cÐ µ stÐ µÃ µl, or titanium. Besides the weight, the key diffÐ µrÐ µncÐ µ bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn lightweight and ultra lightweight whÐ µÃ µlchÐ °irs are that ultra lightweight has a Ð °djuÃ'•tÐ °blÐ µ rÐ µÃ °r whÐ µÃ µl axle. This option increases the mechanical efficiency of the wheelchair by making it Ð µÃ °Ã'•iÐ µr for the user to rÐ µÃ °ch the rÐ µÃ °r whÐ µÃ µls during propulsion. Thus, reducing stress and strain on the upper Ð µxtrÐ µmitiÐ µs. Basically, it is the horizontally Ð °djuÃ'•tÐ °blÐ µ rÐ µÃ °r whÐ µÃ µl that allows the end-users to enjoy the benefits of having an optimal plÐ °cÐ µmÐ µnt of the rÐ µÃ °r whÐ µÃ µl on the frame.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Essay - 2

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information - Essay Example With regard to operational decisions, the businesses have to consider the effective utilisation of the tactical decisions such as delivering the products to the customers (McGowan, n.d.). Along with the above discussed decisions, the businesses also have to consider certain important decisions that include short-term operational plans along with long-term strategic decisions. From the perspective of short-term operational plans, the businesses have to focus upon certain decisions regarding the production of goods and services and market planning, which covers both financial and production plans. Additionally, in relation to short-term operational plans, the businesses also have to consider the decisions that include gathering necessary business related information, evaluating the alternatives, and selecting the most effective action courses (Kansal and Rao, 2006). From the perspective of long-term strategic decisions, the businesses need to think about certain significant decisions t hat include strategic as well as corporate planning. ... Q. B2 Right flow of knowledge and information are indispensable for every business organisation. The possessing of effective and superior knowledge and information can ultimately enhance the aspect of decision-making, improve the level of competence, and assist the business organisations to attain noteworthy competitive position. The business sectors also need to acquire knowledge and manage valuable information for the purpose of evaluating their probable weaknesses and strengths. In recent times, the aspect of information and knowledge management has become a chief contributory part towards making the business operations of the different organisations quite successful by a considerable level (Rad, et al., 2009). The diverse information and knowledge that are required to take effective decisions fundamentally include ensuring the collection, analysis, and execution of evidences that greatly support and complement the overall functioning of the business and facilitate in organising t he relevant information in such a way that it can provide benefits for successful planning. Additionally, the other crucial knowledge and information aspects include the procedure of reviewing along with considering evidences in order to make effective strategic decisions regarding the execution of the business plans and managing the differing desires and requirements of the users along with the suppliers (National Occupational Standards, 2011). In order to ensure successful decision taking, the business organisations should possess certain significant knowledge and information that generally include the analysis of internal data or reports, understanding the characteristics of the customers and other chief stakeholders, business trends, analysis of the available products along

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discharge plan and Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Discharge plan and Legislation - Essay Example A typical scenario involves the screening of hospital records for Mr. Sharma within 24 hours of admission to identify if he is a high risk patient who requires discharge planning. A typical high risk criteria might include factors like being age 65 and older and living alone with no immediate social supports. Prior to being admitted to the hospital Mr. Sharma had a care giver who visited morning and evening. This is expected to continue after discharge. However, there are additional complications that will require the need for additional assistance. Mr. Sharma is now recovering from a stroke and is undergoing therapy to help in the process. Additionally, Mr. Sharma has a wound which he acquired on getting the stroke. This wound is slow to heal. Further, Mr. Sharma has mild osteo-arthritis which appears stable but may later cause pains and therefore curtain his movements significantly. This discharge plan relates to 87 year old Mr. Sharma who has a history of minor strokes, Type 2 dia betes which is diet controlled; and a past history of hypertension which has been well controlled with the use of the medication, bendrofluumethiazide. Mr. Sharma also has mild osteo-arthritis which appears stable. In his recent bout of stroke Mr. Sharma stumbled and fell resulting in a wound to his leg. The wound became infected and has been slow to heal. Additionally, on his admission to hospital Mr. Sharma’s blood sugar level was raised to 10mmol g per litre. Mr Sharma has been in hospital for the past ten days and based on the results of tests has made a good recovery. He is very keen on going back home and so it is important that a proper discharge plan be done. This plan should include health care officials at the hospital, social services, his caregiver, Mr. Sharma and his family. During discharge from hospital the Caregiver for Mr. Sharma should be consulted. The caregiver’s comments should be taken into consideration and both Mr. Sharma and his caregiver shoul d receive a copy of the discharge plan for Mr. Sharma detailing the care that is required. According to the British Geriatrics Society (2006), older people who have been discharged from hospital and are living in a community have higher levels of dependency as well as more complex health and social care needs than other patient groups. Mr Sharma is 87 and falls in this group. He has complex problems which include hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and a wound to his leg which he obtained when he stumbled after suffering a recent stroke. This infection has been slow to heal. There is no present sign of infection but it will require special care on discharge. There are a number of problems that 87 year old Mr. Sharma is likely to face on discharge, some of which should be dealt with before discharge. They include management of diet, exercise, wound care to prevent re-infection, and proper use of medication. It has been suggested that Mr. Sharma starts to attend a local Expert Patient Progr amme in his community which will be organised by the community matron. This will have an impact on planning. Discharge arrangements are dependent on social services, health authorities, NHS trusts and primary care groups/trusts BGS (2006). Mr. Sharma should be involved early in the assessment process and care plans should offer them real choice. Carers are also entitled by law to receive if they require an

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Euglena Gracilis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Euglena Gracilis - Essay Example Euglena Gracilis, the name comes from the Greek words eus and glne, i.e. good eyeball, which refers to the light-sensitive eyespot. Euglena gracilis uses its eyespot to locate light. This is a minute single-celled nutrient-rich freshwater organism of the genus Euglena, having the presence of chlorophyll, a reddish eyespot, and a single anterior flagellum. Euglena gracilis is just one of the many species of Euglena. Euglenas have spindle-shaped bodies, ranging in size from 1/1000 to 1/100 of an inch (0.025 to 0.254 millimeter) long. Most of the species are green in colour as they contain chlorophyll. Euglena produce food through photosynthesis for themselves, and also serve as primary producers for aquatic ecosystems. Some of the species also eat tiny particles of living matter. Euglena are interesting because they are a sort of combination of plant and animal. One the one hand they can make their own food like a plant, but they can also eat other things, like an animal. They can also swim and move. Scientists argued for years about which Kingdom to put them in, Animal or Plant Right now they are in neither; most scientists put them in the Protist Kingdom with other microscopic organisms, such as amoeba and paramecium. Three membranes surround the complex chloroplasts of Euglena. This is unlike chloroplasts of higher plants and most green algae, which are surrounded by two membranes. The additional membranes present a barrier to the import of chloroplast precursor proteins. Traditionally, the genus Euglena has been divided into several groups or subgenera depending mainly on morphological features of the chloroplast and paramylon and on cell rigidity. Euglena Gracilis also has a flagellum, a long hair-like thing, which is used by Euglena to swim. In this experiment we studied the growth of Euglena over a three week period. We took three jars and put the Euglena in each of them. We put rice in one jar and kept it in the dark. So this Euglena got its nutrients solely from the rice. Euglena in another jar was placed in the light with no rice, and this Euglena got its nutrients solely from the light. In the third jar we put rice and also placed this one in the light, so that this Euglena could get nutrients from both light and rice. Each week we checked on the Euglena jars to see which had the greatest exponential growth; From the experiment, we found that the Euglena in the light only did the best (results are summarized in table-1). Table-1: Growth pattern of Euglena over a three week period Jar-1 Euglena with Rice only (growth-cells per field) Jar-2 Euglena with Light only (growth-cells per field) Jar-3 Euglena with Rice and Light (growth-cells per field) Week-1 28 20 40 Week-2 22 31 35 Week-3 24 44 21 Conclusion It is amply clear that Euglena gracilis do behave like plants as well as animals, because when Euglena gracilis doesn't have enough light to make its own food, it looks for other things to eat. In this case rice supported the growth of Euglena. References: 1. Euglena, available online at (Oct 24, 2006). 2. Woongghi Shin and Richard E. Triemer, "Phylogenetic analysis of the genus euglena (euglenophyceae) with particular reference to the type species euglena viridis", 759-770, available online

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Oral Learning Objective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oral Learning Objective - Essay Example The teams were necessary since the company was growing and the work was getting complex. Again, we had to increase the work efficiency for the company, which the only way was teamwork. We organized into a team of about 10 people where we were self-driven in a way that we would make decisions with minimal supervision from the supervisors or the managers. This was the simple structure of the organization as we embraced teamwork. Each team was responsible for its own business. Some of our functional responsibilities were managing inventory, gross margins, labor productivity and product placement decisions. This kind of cooperation with my other employees encouraged and I found the importance of working as a team. As I had learnt from class, I would like to mention that it is true that self-directed teams organize around the work process. In order to complete a whole work piece that requires interdependent tasks, this has a significant autonomy over execution of the tasks. I joined with my colleagues to create a dependant position in order to complete my individual tasks. From our teams, we had a leader who ensured that each of us completes his or her individual tasks and to ensure that everyone does the right thing. We kept independent from other teams, since what we required most is the interdependence amongst ourselves in order to make the best out of our products. I found myself responding very fast and effectively to the demands of our clients and the stakeholders. I did not want to lose any client in being slow or portraying a negative attitude. This is exactly what is required in the organizational behavior that we learnt in class. I felt motivated working with this organization because of the mandate that I could do on my own with minimal interruptions from my supervisors. Actually, communication and technological coordination support was always available which enriched the job increment. It was awe-inspiring

Friday, August 23, 2019

Many authors and commentators argue that income inequality is among Essay

Many authors and commentators argue that income inequality is among the most pressing current problems of our era. The received - Essay Example Income inequality has become the preferred measure in determining the quality of life in a country. At some point, per capita income was considered a preferable way, but further studies have indicated that this is not as clear in determining poverty levels. For instance, two countries may have a comparable per capita level, but the incidence of poverty in these countries may differ significantly. For this reason, income inequality is considered more precise in indicating the incidence of poverty which is a pointer to the quality of life in a country. To measure and compare income inequality among countries, economists use Lorenz curves and Gini indexes. However, leading institutions and organizations such as the World Bank and the OECD have shown a preference towards Gini indexes, which is considered more convenient when comparing inequality among many countries (Ghanei, 2013 [class notes]). One of the constant enquiries in the subject of income inequality is whether a less equal dis tribution of income is good for a country. In this regard, most studies advance different views about the best patterns of distribution they are split as to whether the Gini coefficient should be around 25 percent as in Sweden or around 40 percent as is the case in the United States. The most quoted arguments are detailed below (OECD 2012). The first argument cites that an excessively equal income distribution can be bad for economic efficiency. An example of this would be in a socialist country, where deliberately low inequality characterized by the absence of private profits and salaries and wages are harmonized depriving the citizens the incentives required for their active participation in economic activities. It is considered that socialist equalization of salaries and wages translates to poor discipline and lack of initiative among workers. Other effects include reduced quality and restricted variety of goods and services, marginal technical growth which eventually slows econo mic growth and compounds poverty. The alternate argument indicates that excessive inequality adversely affects people’s quality of life translating to widespread poverty, therefore, affecting progress in health and education. This leads to other social problems such as crime. Other effects of high income inequality include a threat on a country’s political stability and increases in business risks. A consideration of these effects explains why some international experts look at decreasing income inequality as the most effective way of accelerating economic and human development. Shigehiro, Kesebir and Diener highlight the development of this social problem in United States for the past four decades (2011). The scholars note that the growing income inequality is the most profound social change in the period considered. Using the Gini coefficient they indicate that, during the 1960s and 1970s, United States had a much lower coefficient than that of France and were at the same level with a host of other European nations (Oishi, Kesebir & Diener, 2011.p.1095). In contrast, by 2008, the Gini coefficient was much higher for United States as compared to most European nations and Canada (Oishi, Kesebir & Diener, 2011.p.1095). This trend is best indicated by a Gini coefficient graph covering the past six decades. This graph makes it so clear that income inequality in the United States has been on the rise over the past seven decades. A look at the European countries also

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pre contract cost planning and pre contract cost controlling Essay

Pre contract cost planning and pre contract cost controlling - Essay Example James Nisbet was the first who conceived and developed the technique of elemental cost analysis for construction projects. Nisbet technique demanded the architects to ‘design to cost’ in opposition to the approximate quantities’ method of estimating, which basically involved costing a design: with very little control. Thus, the elemental costing approach facilitated the client to get a more consistent pre-tender estimate, and offered the design team a model so as to control cost at the design development stage itself. As per Nisbet, the cost planning should be developed jointly by the quantity surveyor and the architect and postulated that such close cooperation could, in the long run, result in the integration of the profession of quantity surveyors and the architects as one-stop supply of consultancy firms. In 1962, the cost research panel of RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) established the Building Cost Information Services (BCIS) mainly to gather cost data for the introduction of such cost plans. Now, BCIS has developed a national database in excess of 16,000 element cost analysis, which is available online now. Such data can be utilized to prepare the pre-contract approximating process in the construction sector together to make sure the value for money by assisting the designer to make certain about the most proper distribution of costs well within the concerned project. Thus, cost management is the process of assisting the design team to design to cost instead of the quantity surveyor costing a design (Potts & Ankrah 2013:59). Cost management is a complete process, which make certain that the contract amount is within the approved budget or cost limit of the client. The modus of the design cost control is that by employing the cost planning method which is the evaluation of existing projects into various functional elements so as to offer a means of evaluation between

My Grandfather Essay Example for Free

My Grandfather Essay The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. This quote by Samuel Johnson reminds of one person more than anyone else. A person so selfless, so generous yet he was a part of this same world we all live in, he inhaled the same air we do yet the ideas behind his words have a much different perspective than anything I have seen. This person was my grandfather Haji Qasim. Almost all of the memories I have of my grandfather are from a young age when all my relatives used to meet at my grandparents penthouse apartment. These get togethers were almost like weekly or family reunions. My cousins and I have had some of our best memories in that apartment and we also learned some very valuable lessons. My grandfather was a person who could always see the best in people and see the bright side of any bad situation. His generosity was unparalleled, but his most outstanding quality was his honesty which amazed everyone he met. I. Sees the best in people and situations A. Dont Judge a book by its cover My grandfather always saw the best in people and always gave people with a bad first impression the benefit of the doubt. * I remember Chinese restaurant to celebrate the first of my cousins going off to college. * Aunts, uncles and my grandparents were there. After being seated we were all given individual menus * Although at the time I was too young to even read the menu * After a few minutes a waiter came up to us.BUT * Unlike the other waiters Dirty white shirt, tie was loose, unshaven, (pause) his hair was a mess and he had the look of someone who had just woken up. * Said, Whadaya dam Indians want as he pulled out pencil from behind his ear. His unprofessionalism offended one of my uncles so much that he was about to punch the guy when my grandfather told him to sit down. * He took him aside and spoke to him out of our earshot. Surprisingly the man came back and had tears in eyes and apologized. * Although I was very confused I didnt ask any questions. * Later I learned from my cousins that our grandfather had asked the man what was wrong and after a few rude answers he finally told him that his wife of 5 years had terminal lung cancer and that is why he was being so rude. * Although I dont remember that day very well I do remember the lesson I learned. Now in my own life I try my best not to judge people based on their first impression II. Honest. A. General store change. * My grandfather always talked about the right thing to do. According to him there was there were only 2 options, the right thing to do and having done nothing at all. * I remember one day when a bunch of my cousins were sitting around in the Pinnacle which is what we called the apartment building our grandparents live in. Our grandfather decided to take us to the general store to buy us all candy. Now this may seem weird to you but this was a tradition in our family to go buy candy whenever we were at our grandparents apartment during the day. * After we had made our selection the cashier said to my grandfather that will be 14.50 and my grandfather paid the cashier and took his change. As we were walking back eating our candy nearly half way home my grandfather stopped us and made us walk all the way back to store. We followed him as he got in line again with the same cashier. When it was our turn my grandfather told the cashier that he had given him and extra ten dollars in change from before. * Not only was the cashier amazed but he told us that it was inspiring to have someone be so honest in his dealings because usually the opposite happens claim they got less change back from the cashier. Conclusion: * Not only is my grandfathers way of thinking refreshing but it is also contagious. When I was with him I also started to see the best in people and I learned not judge them by their looks or what they are wearing. * I always thought that my grandfather was a role model for me to follow but he was much more than that. He was the glue that kept my entire family together. After he passed away in the hospital at the age of 73 our whole family drifted apart. I now have cousins in all parts of the world. Some are Canada, Pakistan, California, New York, and Georgia. * We no longer have those reunions we used to. And only now do I truly appreciate how great those times we had. I guess its true what they say You dont know what you had until its gone

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Business Ethics and Communication

Business Ethics and Communication Negotiation: Negotiation can be defined as a strategy by which individuals settle contrasts or any disputes. It is a procedure by which trade off or understanding is come to while keeping away from contention and dispute. Negotiation is a technique by which individuals settle contrasts. It is a procedure by which compromise or understanding is come to while keeping away from contention. In any contradiction, people justifiably expect to accomplish the most ideal result for their position (or maybe an association they speak to). Nonetheless, the standards of fairness, seeing common advantage and keeping up a relationship are the eyes to an effective result specific types of negotiation are utilized as a part of numerous circumstances worldwide undertakings, the legitimate system, government, modern question or household connections as examples. Notwithstanding, general negotiations can be learned and connected in an extensive variety of exercises. Arrangements can be of incredible advantage in settling any distinctions that emerge amongst you and others. Negotiation is a discourse between at least two individuals or gatherings, expected to reach an understanding, resolve purpose of distinction, or pick up preferred standpoint in result of exchange, to produce heaps of activity, to can anticipate individual or aggregate favorable position, to craft outcomes to fulfill different interests of two people parties required in arrangement handle. Negotiation is a procedure where every gathering required in arranging tries to pick up leverage for themselves before the end of the procedure. Negotiation is proposed to go for trade off. Arrangement happens in business, non profit associations, and government branches, legitimate procedures, among countries and in individual circumstances, for example, marriage, separate, child rearing, and everyday life. he investigation of the subect is called negotiation hypothesis. professional arbitrators are often particular, for example, union moderators, influence buyout mediators, peace negotiators, hostage mediators, or may under different titles, for example, representatives, administrators, etc. Negotiation Theory: The establishments of negotiation theory are choice examination, behavioral basic leadership, amusement hypothesis, and negotiation investigation. Another grouping of hypotheses recognizes Structural Analysis, Strategic Analysis, Process Analysis, Integrative Analysis and behavioral examination of negotiations. People ought to make partitioned, intelligent choices; and negotiation investigation considers how gatherings of sensibly brilliant people ought to and could make joint, communitarian choices. These hypotheses are interleaved and ought to be drawn closer from the manufactured point of view. Negotiation Process: With a specific end goal to accomplish an attractive result, it might be valuable to take after an organized way to deal with negotiation. For instance, in a work circumstance an addressing may should be organized in which all gatherings included can meet up. i) Preparation and Planning: Prior to the begin of negotiations one must know about clash, the history prompting to the negotiation the general population included and their view of the contention desires from the negotiations and so forth. ii) Ground Rules definition: Once the arranging and technique is created, one needs to start characterizing the guidelines and methodology with the other party over the negotiation itself that will do the negotiation. iii) Clarification and Justification: At the point when beginning positions host been traded both the gatherings will clarify enhance, illuminate, support and legitimize their unique requests. This need not be fierce. iv) Bargaining and Problem Solving: The quintessence of the negotiation process is the genuine give and take in attempting to hash out an assention, an appropriate deal. It is here where concessions will without a doubt should be made by both sides. v) Closing and Implementation: The last stride in the negotiation process is formalization the understanding that has been worked out and creating and strategies that are essential for execution and observing. Influence of Negotiation in business outcomes: The nature of a negotiation relies on two things; the nature of the essential relationship between the gatherings included and the nature of the correspondence that happens. A decent association with great correspondence between gatherings ought to empower fruitful negotiation. A poor association with poor correspondence is probably not going to add up to much. The way of a relationship thusly has an effect upon the nature of correspondence inside it. In the event that we dont believe somebody, we are in risk of either dismissing what they say or searching for shrouded implications that might possibly really exist. The way of a relationship impacts intensely upon negotiation and is a noteworthy affecting variable on the probability of tasteful results. Subsequently we will take a gander at connections from another edge that of force and perceive how this new perspective is probably going to affect arranging strategies. When we get to be distinctly mindful of something or somebody interestingly, we go into an association with that thing or individual. Connections can be straightforward your association with somebody who serves you in a shop, or complex your association with your mom. As connections turn out to be more intricate, they can be distinguished by a developing level of reliance as it were, the amount we require whoever or whatever it is. 1.2 Skills of Negotiation: Some of the effective negotiation skills are as: i) Problem Analysis, ii) Active Listening, iii) Emotional Control, Verbal Communication, Collaboration and Teamwork, Decision Making ability, Interpersonal skills, etc. Approaches of Negotiation: There are four approaches of negotiation that are defined as under: i) Win-Lose Approach: This is likewise called aggressive, zero entirety, or asserting quality approach. This approach depends on the preface that one individual can win just to the detriment of the other. ii) Lose-Lose Approach: This arrangement approach is embraced when one arranging accomplice feels that his own particular advantages are debilitated and he does whatever he can to guarantee that the result of the negotiation is not reasonable to the interests of the other party too. iii) Compromise Approach: This approach gives a result which is some change over the dilemma result. To stay away from a predicament, both sides surrender a part of what they had initially looked for and settle for something not as much as that. iv) Win-Win Approach: This arrangement approach is likewise called as collective or making esteem approach. It is better than all arrangement approaches. It brings about both the gatherings feeling that they are accomplishing what they needed. Tactics of Negotiation: Six most important tactics of negotiation are as: i) Sharing information ii) Rank order priorities iii) Know target price and walkaway terms iv) Make first offer v) Do not counter too low vi) Counter offer should make both parties satisfied Part 2 2.1Â  Developing strategy by using negotiation theory and process in order achieve positive outcome for the business: Taking the case Between Kiwi Bank and Investor Be understandable and manufacture esteem. This is vital, and its what isolates the great mediators from the bosses. When you have a solid faith in what youre negotiating for, you will sparkle. Turned into an ace at introducing your considerations and thoughts with the goal that others see the esteem. A tip on the best way to do that wellÂÂ   is to be immediate while displaying a circumstance. Be clear about what is normal. Examine approaches to apply how it can happen. Dont just discuss what requirements to happen. Give and Take: At the point when a man surrenders something or yields on part of a negotiation, dependably try to receive something consequently. Else, youre molding the other party to request increasingly while diminishing your position and esteem. Keeping up an adjust will build up that both sides are equivalent. 2.2Â  Meeting notes: When you have an issue, when theres something you participate in with Kiwi Bank that requires understanding so it turns into a negotiation, the principal exhortation is to think in association terms, truly concentrate on a shared objective, of getting expenses out, for instance, and make inquiries. Try not to make requests or statementsyou know, would we be able to do this better et cetera. In the event that the association with Kiwi Bank is really an organization, negotiating to determine contrasts ought not jeopardize the tenor of the association. Dont invest energy complaining. Be issue solvers. Approach Kiwi Bank by saying, We should cooperate and drive costs down and create it so much less expensive you dont need to supplant me, in light of the fact that on the off chance that you work with me I could improve. Learn from and campaign with individuals and their accomplices who have validity, and with individuals having issues in the field. Dont disregard little issues or let things rot. Do not let Kiwi Bank turn out to be more than 20% of your organizations business. Its difficult to consult with an organization that controls yours. Never go into a meeting without a reasonable plan. Make great utilization of the purchasers exposure. Leave with answers. Try not to make casual conversation. Come to the heart of the matter; their time is profitable. Convey fundamental issues to the surface. Assault them head on and discover determination up close and personal. Trying to feign Kiwi Bank is never a smart thought. There is dependably somebody willing to do it less expensive to pick up the business. You need to regard the relationship as a marriage. Correspondence and bargain is critical. Dont underestimate that in light of the fact that the purchaser is youthful they dont recognize what they are discussing or that it will be a simple offer. Most youthful purchasers are extremely driven to climb inside the organization and can be a portion of the hardest, most taught purchasers you will experience. Know your item the distance from the creation stance to the end utilize. Odds are your purchaser does, and will anticipate that you will be much more proficient. Part 3 3.1Â  Reflective report in order to analyse performance in applying negotiation strategy: Dissects a progression of effective arrangement making systems valuable when negotiating with a capable accomplice Kiwi Bank, the nzs famous bank, sold $315 billion worth of products in 2006. With its determined concentrate on EDLP (ordinary low costs) and the ability to represent the moment of truth; providers, an association with Kiwi Bank is either the Holy Grail or the kiss of death, contingent upon ones point of view. There are various media records of the corporate stone monument riding its providers into the ground. In any case, shouldnt something be said about the individuals who figure out how to survive, and flourish, while managing the exemplary hardball arbitrator? In Sarah Talley and Frey Farms Produce: Negotiating with Kiwi Bank and Tom Muccio: Negotiating the PG Relationship with Kiwi Bank, HBS educator Jim Sebenius and Research Associate Ellen Knebel demonstrate two altogether different associations doing only that. The cases are a piece of an arrangement that include hard dealing circumstances. The idea of win-win dealing is a decent and effective message, Sebenius says, yet a great deal of our understudies and administrators confront partners who arent occupied with playing by those standards. So what happens when you experience somebody with a lot of force, as Kiwi Bank, who is additionally a definitive non-debatable accomplice? The case points of interest how PG official Tom Muccio pioneers another provider bank organization amongst PG and Kiwi Bank. Based on closeness (Muccio migrated to Kiwi Banks turf in Arkansas) and developing trust (both sides in the end disposed of expound legitimate contracts for Letters of Intent), the new relationship concentrated on building up a joint vision and critical thinking process, data sharing, and by and large moving far from the most reduced shared element estimating issues that had characterized their communications beforehand. From 1987, when Muccio started the progressions, to 2003, in the blink of an eye before his retirement, PGs deals to Kiwi Bank developed from $350 million to $7.8 billion. There are evident contrasts amongst PG and a much littler substance like Frey Farms, Sebenius notes. Kiwi Bank could plainly live without Frey Farms, however its quite difficult to live without Tide and Pampers. References Negotiation Process [Online] Retrieved from: (Accessed on 29-12-2016) Negotiation Theory [Online] Retrieved from: (Accessed on 29-12-2016) Negotiation and business outcomes [Online] Retrieved from: (Accessed on 30-12-2016) Negotiation tactics [Online] Retrieved from: (Accessed on 30-12-2016) Negotiation Approaches [Online] Retrieved from: (Accessed on 30-12-2016) Developing strategy [Online] Retrieved from: (Accessed on 30-12-2016)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Education Educational Educating Essays

Teaching Philosophy Statement Every year I have had a teacher who has always went that extra mile to make sure I thoroughly understood each and every lesson. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a teacher; I want to be like all those teachers who helped me through the years. One particular teacher who seems to stick out in my mind, is Mr. Scott Vargo. He taught 10th grade Biology and 12th grade Anatomy and Physiology, both of which I took. I have to say I've never met a teacher like him; his teaching style was extremely unique. Every student, who has ever walked through the door of his classroom, has walked out with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment because they walked away with knowledge. Every student Mr. Vargo has ever taught, has bragged on his enthusiasm and devotion to the subjects he teaches. One reason students call him enthusiastic is because, instead of giving tests, he gives "Celebrations of Success." While passing out the test, he plays the song, "Celebrate!" Everyone down the hall knows when Mr. Vargo is giving a "Celebration of Success" because they hear the music echo throughout the classrooms. Mr. Vargo does not see his tests as a test of one's knowledge, but as a celebration for successfully learning new material. I have to agree with his viewpoint because not only is it a great way to look at tests, but it also takes the edge off the students by celebration rather than testing. Even though I did not come out of that class with a perfect grade, the knowledge I gained was far more satisfying. By example and experience, Mr. Vargo showed me what it is like to be a great teacher and love doing so. He gave me the determination to be a humorous, compassionate, and well-educated teacher. After reading about the direct teaching method, I thought that would be a great method to use. In my former high school, this method is used quite often; however, I continued reading about the other methods, and I had recalled these methods also being used.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Meaning of Life and Death Essay -- Philosophy Philosophical Human

The Meaning of Life and Death The abstract idea of life cannot be explained by such simple ideas as being animated, breathing, or speaking. Ordinary machines in this century can perform all of these basic functions. The quandary with defining death is not as abstract and elusive as that of life. The problem of defining life and death has plagued philosophers and the religious bodies for thousands of years for one reason; each philosophy or religion has tried to define the meaning of life and death from only their certain perspective. The seemingly appropriate approach to this problem would be to understand the ideas presented in various philosophies and religions and through this knowledge create a new definition for each idea of life and death. The movie Blade Runner has taken this exact approach in its attempt to finally define life and death in a logical and un-spiritual manner. By taking the position that death is a concrete idea that can be explained, Blade Runner accomplishes the task of interpreting the i dea of life in terms death. Through this approach, the meaning of life is redefined to accommodate for the existence of the replicants. Also, as a result of this novel notion of life, it is apparent that humans and replicants never actually live, even though they are alive. The idea of death in Blade Runner seems to be different for humans and for replicants, but it is indeed the same. When a replicant is killed, the characters in Blade Runner refer to it as, â€Å"retirement,† while killing a human is called murder. These two terms are actually synonymous. The term murder, in one of its definitions, means to put to an end, destroy (AHD). The definition of retirement is to stop working (AHD). If these terms ar... ...s Cut. Dir. Ridley Scott. Perf. Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, and Sean Young. DVD. 1982. Carse, James. Death and Existence: A Conceptual History of Human Morality. Ed. Irving I Zaretsky. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1980. Descartes, Renà ©. Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. Trans. Donald A. Cress. Cambridge: Hacket Publishing Company, 1993. Elrod, John. Being and Existence in Kierkegaard’s Pseudonymous Works. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1975. Luper, Steven. "Death." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. Edward N. Zalta. 2002. <>. O'Keefe, Tim. â€Å"Epicurus.† The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2001. <>. Vincent Cook. Principle Doctrines: Epicurus. <>.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Interracial Dating Explored in Save the Last Dance Essay -- Films Movi

Interracial Dating Explored in Save the Last Dance The movie, Save the Last Dance, goes along with all of our discussions and conversations about the visual difference between the black and white cultures and the stereotyping that Hollywood does of the two cultures. The movie shows the difference in the two cultures, according to have your typical white middle-class suburban girl (Sarah) and your typical low-class black boy (Derrick). Save the Last Dance is a love story about the pros and cons that comes along with interracial dating. Hollywood displays Sarah as your typical white girl whose forced to move into a low-class neighborhood (with her father, Roy), which is inhabited mostly by blacks, after her mother dies in a tragic car accident on her way to one of her audition. The theme of the movie is really plain and simple. Sarah has always wanted to become a ballerina and attend Julliard, a school of performing arts in New York, however, after the death of her mother, she loses the passion for her dream. Like I mentioned above, Sarah was forced to move with her father, Roy, who lived in an old ratty house deep in a ghetto (inhabited mostly by blacks) in New York City. It had to have been a huge culture shock for Sarah, I mean, here is this white middle-class girl who feels that she?s to blame for her mothers death. And in an instant, she?s taken away from her home, neighborhood, and friends and forced to live and attend school in a black ghetto....

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Four West European Explores That Traveled to the New World.

*2. (a) Name four west European countries that explored the New World and name* one explorer who sailed for each country, (b) Of the four *explorers, named*, state the one you would most have liked to accompany. Discuss two reasons for your choices. Four west European explores that traveled to the New World. {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Christopher Columbus (c. 1451 – 5/20/1506 Jacques Cartier (12/31/1491 – 9/1/1557) {draw:frame} John Cabot_ (c. 1450 – c. 1498)_ Pedro Alvares Cabral_ (c. 1468 – c. 520)_ The race to find new spice and travel routes spurred a very exciting time in history which eventually lead to the founding and settling of New World. These discoveries lead us to settlement and establishment ofour own country. Although Norse explorer Erik the Red’s son,Leaf Ericson landed on what he called Vinland, now Newfoundland Canada, a little over a thousand years ago, Western European countries really made the push for colonization about five hun dred years later. These countries included Spain, Portugal, England, and France. Spain had many explorers and impacts in New World exploration. With a monarchy that was willing to finance and explore, Spain found riches in gold through South, Central, and North America. Of all Spain’s, and the world’ explorers, none are more famous than Christopher Columbus. Every generation of Americans knows he set sail in 1492, but I’m surprised how many don’t realize he landed in the Caribbean, and by mistake. Looking for a spice route to the Indies, Columbus and his crew named the local inhabits Indians because he thought wrongly of his location, and eventually started disease epidemics and slavery in the area. Giovanni Caboto was a Venetian explorer who sailed for England and thus became better known as John Cabot. On 5 March 1496, King Henry VII of England basically gave Cabot free license to do whatever he wanted under the English flag. On his second voyage in 1497 he ended up in upper north east Canada and is credited with being the first European since Erikson to reach North America. With Portugal’s impact in early navigation, thanks largelyto Prince Henry the Navigator and his navigational school, it’s natural that there would be an explorer who would have an impact on New World exploration. With explorers like Dias, Magellan (who sailed for Spain), and even Columbus who lived, married, and studied in Portugal, yet another name came about. Pedro Alvares Cabral was given the task to spread Christianity were ever he went, by force if necessary. With thirteen ships, he set sail on March 9th(my birthday) 1500. After some mishaps, he finally reached what is today modern day Brazil and making claim to the New World in the name of Portugal which would later lead to a dispute under the Treaty of Tordesilas. Jacques Cartier sailed for the French and claimed what is now Canada for France. Cartier not only sailed all the way to Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Saint Lawrence River, but he was the first European to describe and map it. Of these four explorers I would choose Cabral to accompany. His voyage to Brazil was almost a world tour including Africa, India, and South America. I would prefer to stay in these regions and out of the northern colder regions as Cartier and Cabot explored.

Friday, August 16, 2019

What Is the Difference Between Sequence of Development and Rate of Development? Essay

To begin to answer the question of what is the difference between development and rate of development it is vital that we completely understand the meaning of the words. A sequence of development is the order in which the development of t6he child would happen; for example a child will sit before crawling and would then go on to walk. The rate of the development is the speed in which it would happen, for instance; by four to six months the child will have control of their head and arm movements, and by seven to nine months they should be able to sit without support and may have begun crawling. It is extremely important to remember that all children develop at different rates and that the sources or information that we receive or are told are only guidelines of the developmental rates. We are able to use these as a reference to monitor what children can or cannot do at specific stages in their lives. Although they aren’t one hundred percent accurate for each child they are stil l effective tools to help us plan to ensure they get the attention they need for areas they find challenging. The development of the physical skills of the child follows a definite sequence; to show an example would be that of a baby; when they would firstly have to learn to hold their head and upper body up before they are able to sit with only the lower back supported. However, whilst the sequences are common amongst most children, the rate in which they develop these skills are often different. It is vital to monitor a child’s sequence and rate of the development in order to determine what type of help they may or may not need in the future and to ensure they are referred to the correct people to aid in development were possible so they don’t fall too far behind. Often the child’s developmental sequence can differ between children, for example one baby’s physical development may begin with rolling over, followed by sitting up, then crawling, walking and finally running, whilst another may sit up, walk, and then running missing out rolling over and crawling. Although elements are missed from the development process, it still proceeds in what is viewed as an unexpected pattern. The rate can often differ like this too, one child being able to walk at ten months and another at sixteen, all children are different which is wh y the rate differs so frequently. With so many factors in a child’s life affecting their development, the rate and sequence of their develop it’s not surprising that the variance between each child can be so big. Everything from a childs health status to their family background can affect various stages of their development.

Life Must Go On

Life is so challenging! As quoted from the sayings of one of my favorite Poet Emily Dickinson, â€Å"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor†. It Is so funny to think that in life we seem to encounter the so called cycle. From our day to days venture, we experience things different. We experience new practices, occurrences and new learning that somehow lead us on how we begin the new tomorrow.My dear friends and colleagues at this moment of time, I want you to listen to me for a short while. I want you to listen In my speech on how I strives and gradually step forward towards my desired dream in life. I am already near to where I wanted to be! This is the message that I am very proud to utter in myself. But I know all of these things are still in the hands of the Lord. Who could It think that this person standing to all of you this evening, which become a small boy from yesterday and couldn't speak properly, could now speak to you today like this?And who could it think that this person who become so pessimistic from his yesterdays dream would become persevere and a determiner person today? Nothing, except God! In life we can never Identify the future or the outcome process off person. Indeed! If there are still tomorrow that awaits us always, there will always be chances for us to push through what we've started! Way back when I was still in my childhood days, I could not immediately remove the tragedy in our life which happens in the midst of a happy family.It was the time when my father had passed away. In behalf of my family, we could hardly realize and accept the fact that the life of our beloved father is over. Those things really changed the existence we had and accept the reality that we need to start for a new beginning. Despite of those things which were hard for us to accept what really happened, we still believed that life must go on. We survived from those sorrowful mysteries by beli eving In our self that there is still tomorrow that awaits us in a certain time and that there is always God in our side.That's how life plays around on us; we can never say when we should embark from this place and when we should face challenges. What really needs for us to be ready of Is the fact that any time from now we will depart from this world. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how I surpassed the most remarkable tragic experience in my life. I was not able to be defeated by my fear in my heart that though we do not have now the foundation in our family we were able to step forward in our dreams and goals. My mother who exerts all of her efforts and sacrifices Is our main Inspiration why soul fishing the hindrances and challenges we encounter.Now, It as already 9 years had passed after the incidents happened and it seems that the pain is still in our hearts. My brother will be getting already his diploma on the month of March. And with pride In our heart, we are so thankful that we were able to prove that all things are possible If we believe. And hopefully by the next school year, I will be also getting the victor that I am waiting for almost 15 years. Be humble enough! And believe in yourself that you can do better. As long as we move, groove, always that there will be a certain time for everything. Good Evening!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Existence of God

The Existence of God Kimberly Mongold PHI 208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Instructor Kenneth Mentor April 07, 2013 ? Since the beginning of time people have often questioned the meaning of life, how the universe was created and the purpose for the wildlife and creatures that roam the earth. These things often lead us to question the existence of God. In order to even begin to answer these complex questions we must uncover the source of all of these occurrences. In this paper I will discuss the issue of Gods’ existence; present one basic dispute and clarify the arguments on multiple sides of this issue.I will structure an argument that supports the side of the issue I find to be better defended while explaining why I find my side of this debate stronger. In conclusion, I will state my own view and defend it with an argument. Does God exist or did the â€Å"Big Bang theory† or other natural theories play a role? Even though it is absolutely impossible to prove Gods’ existence, I personally believe that the presence of God is so evident that we do not need solid proof to verify that he is our creator. When it comes to the issue of Gods’ existence, everyone has his or her own view of whom or what â€Å"God† really is.Some people believe that there is one God while other believe in multiple Gods or even Goddesses. Most believers do not feel that is necessary to prove that God exists however, there are others that believe that it is essential to provide proof since there is no scientific evidence of his existence. People are often skeptical when it comes to this issue since God cannot be seen. This dispute often raises a very puzzling question. Should people be expected to provide proof of Gods’ existence or should we just accept that he exists based on faith alone?Skeptics believe that simple having faith that something is true without actually seeing it with their own eyes is meaningless. Most skeptical people center their b elief system on evidence presented in order to better judge certain claims. According to Queensborough Community College (n. d. ), â€Å"Physical or phenomenal evidence to validate religious beliefs is impossible to produce because religious experiences usually occur privately and are subjective, making it impossible to be justified and scrutinized rationally and honestly†.Since skeptics have not seen any type of proof about Gods’ presence, they will continue to disbelieve claims of his existence. Most people that question Gods’ existence often lean more toward science because they believe that evolution and other scientific theories make more sense. In this day and age scientific developments are increasing at a rapid pace, which often creates arguments against the notion that God is our creator. Many skeptics believe that natural causes contributed to our existence such as the â€Å"Big Bang Theory†. The big bang theory states that at some time in the d istant past there was nothing until a process known as vacuum fluctuation created what astrophysicists call a singularity and from that singularity, which was about the size of a dime, our universe was born† (Shestople, P. 1997). Skeptics are more accepting of natural theories because they seem to produce more accepting results than supernatural ones. If faith is centered on reasoning, analysis and proof, then it is very unlikely that skeptics will accept the assumption that there is a supernatural existence of any kind.Also there is so much evil present in the world, which can often cause a skeptic to form opinions against Gods’ existence. Occurrences that cause despair happen every day, which can make one question the reasons behind them. â€Å" In addition to the kinds of events that are caused by human beings, there are other events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, fires, and other natural disasters that have taken the lives of millions † (Mosser, K. 2010). Skeptics often wonder why these type of things occur if there is a God.If God is so powerful why would he allow these horrific things to happen which cause people to suffer? They believe that if an almighty and perfect God existed, he would prevent evil as well as natural disasters that often cause pain, suffering, and even death. Most skeptics believe that proving Gods’ existence is vital in order to find the answers that they are looking for. Faith in something that is invisible will never be enough to sway a skeptic. True believers in God do not feel that it is necessary to prove Gods’ existence because they have faith in his presence. God is hidden only to our body and our soul, but God is not hidden to our spirit, we must look for him† (Harvard Computer Society, n. d. ). Supporters believe that we must seek God with our spirit in order to contact him since we are unable to see, hear, or touch him. â€Å"When people believe in Chri st they receive his life into them† (Harvard Computer Society, n. d. ). Believers do not rely on science or any other proof of Gods’ existence because they do not need physical evidence to distinguish His existence.Believers do not think that we appeared here on earth from natural causes or from the â€Å"Big Bang† theory. A supporter of God believes that God is the creator of the universe as well as every living being. People that have trust in Gods’ existence believe that there are many examples that can demonstrate that we did not just appear here naturally. For example, the universe is designed so perfectly that there is no way that this happened by chance. The universe and the life forms in it all depend on each other for the existence.One example of this is the ecosystem; plants breathe in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen, while animals breathe in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide; plants feed animals while decomposed animals feed plants; this is the cy cle of life. â€Å" Consider how complex a single organism is†¦Each organ and tissue has purpose, all of which shows signs of an intelligent creator, there is no other possible explanation for it† (University of Houston, n. d. ). Believers in God have faith that God is our maker and that we are not here by chance. When it comes to evil things that often occur, believers in God do not think that God is responsible.God gave us the freedom to make choices and we choose to do the things that we do. â€Å"God has given us the ability to choose good and evil, and when we choose evil he allows us, and those around us to suffer the consequences of evil† (Eby,D. n. d. ). We have the ability to choose whether to commit good deeds or evil ones. â€Å"The evil that does exist is that caused by human being who possess freedom† (Mosser, K. 2010). Supporters believe that God does have the power to overcome evil as well as natural disasters, but he may not have the desire to do so for his own reasons that many of us do not understand.The argument that I find better defends the existence of God is that we do not need proof of Gods’ existence, our faith alone is good enough. Just because we cannot see him does not mean he does not exist. â€Å"His presence is no longer in his earthly body; it is rather in his spirit abiding our hearts† (Loyola University, n. d. ). I believe that the people that doubt Gods’ existence do so because they are unable to see the beauty and wonder of the world around us.When it comes to the evil in the world, I believe that God has given us the freedom to make choices and to learn from our mistakes while also dealing with the consequences. If we do not experience the aftermath of our bad choices we will not learn from our mistakes. â€Å"God cannot overrule every evil choice of man and every evil consequence there from without contradicting his own purposes in creating being with free will† (Mattis on, M. M. , n. d. ). This is part of the price we pay for freedom, and which God himself pays for creating us. God did not create evil, therefore, he should not be held responsible for it.In conclusion, although several people have attempted to dispute the existence of God with the advances of science and technology, there is still an excessive need to prove Gods’ existence. Since we cannot see him it is difficult for many people to believe he exists. Believers is God do not require any type of proof because they have faith of his presence. Gazing at the stars, observing the beauty of nature, believe that the laws of the universe seem to have been framed in such a way that stars and planets will form and life can emerge.Many constants of nature appear to be very finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical. Understanding the complexity of the universe points to an intelligent designer, which is God. We do not need to see God with our e yes or even touch him in order to know that he exists. It is through our faith in him that we know he is real. I believe that God has surrounded us with so much evidence that he exists, but we must seek him in order to feel his presence. References Eby, D. (n. d. ). â€Å"Why Does God Allow Evil? † Retrieved from http://my,unbc. du/discussions/2026 Holy Spirit (n. d. ) Loyola University of Chicago. Retrieved from: http://www. luc. edu/faculty/pmoser/idolanon/Holyspirit. html Mattison, M. M. (n. d. ). â€Å"Don’t Doubt God† Auburn University. Retrieved from: http://www. auburn. edu/allenkc/openhse/theodicy. html#Power Mosser, K. (2010). â€Å"Philosophy: A Concise Introduction†. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. San Diego, CA Retrieved from: https://content. ashford. edu/books Proof of God (n. d. ) LeTourneau University Retrieved from: http://www. letu. edu/_Academics/Arts-Science/chem-phys/documents/ProofofGod. html

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Junaid Zia

What did Hannah do to make first cut in the list of potential countries? How did he get from 200 to less than 35 potential new markets? Which variables seemed more important in his decision making? Which variables used might be useful? Hannah Gathered information from several reliable U. S government and related websites and come up with the data to represent the variables related to the particular countries. It includes per capita beef consumption, population, urbanization rate, Affinity to US brands, high Disposable Income, do people go out to eat, per capita GDP etc.Average per capita GDP is not an ideal measure, but rather identifying your customer segment population in a given area. As the extreme wealth and poverty gap can be incredibly wide, creating an unrealistic per capita GDP for any country. Moreover per capita beef consumption is not as such important but rather frequency of people to go outside for having beef feast is vital. However high disposable income of people is good variable and people can create an appropriate pool of potential customers. What would be your choice for top five opportunities?What equation did you use to reach that conclusion and why? It is apparent that Ruth’s Chris has the capability to expand, and we feel that a â€Å"Penetration† strategy would be a possibility, perhaps through increased presence in existing markets or offering a new menu items that would appeal to a wider variety of consumers. However, if they want to move overseas than they can evaluate the cities rather than the country. For example they can target the Paris upon France because it is famous for tourists and Ruth’s Chris can certainly capture appropriate market.Hannah was focused on franchising as his mode of entry. Do the critical variables change if a different mode of entry is employed? Franchising is a good option. But if Ruth’s Chris think about the joint-venture option that it is totally out of context. When your part ner suddenly opens up a budget steakhouse down the street with the same cooking style, flavor and half the price, you’ll find yourself out of the country in no time. Company-owned restaurants also require a great investment along with great knowledge about their culture, the political environment etc.What are some of the internal and external challenges Hannah will face in moving from a list to actually opening restaurants? Hannah selects the beef-eating population. However, no concession made to regional taste for menu items. Even McDonalds changes its menu in other countries, so why is Ruth’s Chris so afraid? More importantly, would the risk of jeopardizing their core competencies through menu alteration outweigh the potential profit, this is the biggest internal challenge for them. Outsourcing USDA prime beef has to be expensive.Shipping it halfway across the world in freezers seems almost extravagant and inefficient. Could Ruth’s Chris evaluate local sourcin g of their produce? It’s very important to think upon. External challenges could include the people’s reluctance towards American brand, high expenses on franchises than decided in agreement, political instability, lack in flexibility according to the situation: like people prefer to take beef-meals at lower prices or ever-changing consumer preferences can be the biggest external challenges.